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Netcore Driver Download For Windows 7
- Oracle Data Provider for.NET (ODP.NET) Core is an ADO.NET driver that provides fast data access from Microsoft.NET Core clients to Oracle databases. ODP.NET Core consists of a single 100% managed code dynamic-link library.
- Telephone support is available Hours:8:30am5:30pm PST, MonFri except holiday by calling Tel: 714-670-7713.
# | Package | Downloads |
1 | newtonsoft.json | 63,266,661 |
2 | serilog | 17,329,775 |
3 | castle.core | 12,257,248 |
4 | moq | 9,693,424 |
5 | newtonsoft.json.bson | 9,548,445 |
6 | awssdk.core | 9,034,359 |
7 | automapper | 8,652,359 |
8 | xunit.abstractions | 8,633,692 |
9 | xunit.extensibility.core | 8,563,039 |
10 | swashbuckle.aspnetcore.swagger | 8,156,744 |
11 | swashbuckle.aspnetcore.swaggergen | 8,114,091 |
12 | xunit.extensibility.execution | 8,034,712 |
13 | xunit.core | 7,756,404 |
14 | xunit.assert | 7,636,313 |
15 | xunit.runner.visualstudio | 7,609,399 |
16 | serilog.sinks.file | 7,467,262 |
17 | xunit | 7,456,311 |
18 | swashbuckle.aspnetcore.swaggerui | 7,433,950 |
19 | polly | 6,971,042 |
20 | swashbuckle.aspnetcore | 6,726,965 |
21 | xunit.analyzers | 6,718,520 |
22 | serilog.sinks.console | 6,327,283 |
23 | serilog.extensions.logging | 6,251,161 |
24 | serilog.formatting.compact | 5,946,219 |
25 | fluentassertions | 5,289,190 |
26 | serilog.settings.configuration | 5,232,945 |
27 | nunit | 5,200,741 |
28 | stackexchange.redis | 5,124,779 |
29 | fluentvalidation | 4,965,108 |
30 | coverlet.collector | 4,785,967 |
31 | nlog | 4,695,126 |
32 | pipelines.sockets.unofficial | 4,633,318 |
33 | dapper | 4,611,705 |
34 | identitymodel | 4,611,239 |
35 | restsharp | 4,483,018 |
36 | serilog.aspnetcore | 4,449,023 |
37 | autofac | 4,388,377 |
38 | | 4,365,299 |
39 | nunit3testadapter | 4,277,775 |
40 | npgsql | 4,187,615 |
41 | google.protobuf | 4,169,466 |
42 | serilog.sinks.debug | 4,097,267 |
43 | portable.bouncycastle | 3,724,048 |
44 | serilog.sinks.periodicbatching | 3,700,841 |
45 | | 3,564,567 |
46 | microsoft.applicationinsights.eventcountercollector | 3,367,036 |
47 | rabbitmq.client | 3,340,628 |
48 | log4net | 3,292,246 |
49 | awssdk.s3 | 3,221,413 |
50 | | 3,142,127 |
51 | csvhelper | 3,073,912 |
52 | system.interactive.async | 3,053,286 |
53 | sqlitepclraw.core | 2,940,672 |
54 | mongodb.bson | 2,906,663 |
55 | humanizer.core | 2,827,405 |
56 | stylecop.analyzers | 2,759,129 |
57 | mongodb.driver.core | 2,710,694 |
58 | google.apis.core | 2,708,300 |
59 | mongodb.driver | 2,669,293 |
60 | google.apis.auth | 2,667,756 |
61 | google.apis | 2,667,451 |
62 | microsoft.dotnet-interactive | 2,620,227 |
63 | jquery | 2,574,884 |
64 | dnsclient | 2,421,902 |
65 | remotion.linq | 2,396,236 |
66 | coverlet.msbuild | 2,391,267 |
67 | polly.extensions.http | 2,349,386 |
68 | mediatr | 2,329,282 |
69 | | 2,316,390 |
70 | jetbrains.annotations | 2,269,401 |
71 | owin | 2,226,979 |
72 | sharpziplib | 2,205,517 |
73 | htmlagilitypack | 2,188,348 |
74 | autofixture | 2,167,380 |
75 | grpc.core.api | 2,160,427 |
76 | system.reactive | 2,114,401 |
77 | antlr | 2,075,870 |
78 | hangfire.core | 2,045,976 |
79 | fluentvalidation.dependencyinjectionextensions | 2,019,937 |
80 | sqlitepclraw.lib.e_sqlite3 | 2,008,635 |
81 | swashbuckle.aspnetcore.annotations | 1,976,421 |
82 | npgsql.entityframeworkcore.postgresql | 1,975,095 |
83 | fluentvalidation.aspnetcore | 1,961,635 |
84 | sharpcompress | 1,940,808 |
85 | sqlitepclraw.provider.dynamic_cdecl | 1,917,792 |
86 | nodatime | 1,870,239 |
87 | nlog.extensions.logging | 1,830,642 |
88 | sendgrid | 1,784,475 |
89 | fare | 1,777,897 |
90 | | 1,773,458 |
91 | sqlitepclraw.bundle_e_sqlite3 | 1,771,261 |
92 | commandlineparser | 1,768,960 |
93 | nsubstitute | 1,760,991 |
94 | scrutor | 1,732,374 |
95 | autofac.extensions.dependencyinjection | 1,671,509 |
96 | webactivatorex | 1,669,224 |
97 | epplus | 1,658,851 |
98 | serilog.sinks.rollingfile | 1,657,710 |
99 | nest | 1,645,400 |
100 | mimekit | 1,641,263 |
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