Mp3 Player USB Devices Driver

JIELI MP3 PLAYER USB Device - Driver Download. Epson Laptops & Desktops Driver download. Vendor:. Product: JIELI MP3 PLAYER USB Device. Hardware Class: DiskDrive. Search For More Drivers.: Go! The easiest way to move files to your MP3 player is to choose the option Windows 7 presents to you as soon as you connect the device to your USB port. Connect the device to your Windows 7 PC. Windows 7 displays a message that the driver has been installed.

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This chapter is from the book

Syncing Your MP3 Player


Your MP3 player probably gives you lots of joy, enabling you to take your favorite albums, podcasts, and more basically anywhere you want to go—to the gym, on your bike, on the trail, at your desk. Windows 7 makes it easy to sync your MP3 player and transfer the audio files you want to listen to so you’ll have your tunes on the road.

Many different types of MP3 players are available, of course, and some will have their own software requirements and sync with Windows 7 in different ways. Your iPod, for example, uses iTunes to sync your media. This section describes one way you can sync your MP3 player and set device preferences, but be sure to follow the on-screen prompts for your particular device if the process you experience is somewhat different from the ones described here. Gadmei electronic driver download for windows 10.

Copying Files to Your MP3 Player

The easiest way to move files to your MP3 player is to choose the option Windows 7 presents to you as soon as you connect the device to your USB port.

  1. Connect the device to your Windows 7 PC.
  2. Windows 7 displays a message that the driver has been installed.
  3. Choose Sync Digital Media Files to This Device from the AutoPlay dialog box that appears after the driver is installed.
  4. In Windows Media Player, drag the files, playlists, or albums you want to sync to the column on the right.
  5. Click Start Sync. Windows Media Player shows you the status of the synchronization and then lets you know that it’s safe to remove your MP3 player from the USB port.

Setting Connection Defaults

You can set up the way Windows 7 responds when you connect your MP3 player by changing the general settings for the device. Mxic Driver Download for windows 10.

  1. From the Device Stage window, click Change General Settings.
  2. Click the arrow for the option that controls what happens when the device is connected to the computer.
  3. In the list, click the action you want Windows 7 to take.
  4. Leave the notifications check box selected.
  5. Click OK.

Specifying Sync Options

Mp3 Player Usb Devices Drivers

You can choose the way Windows 7 syncs the files on your device by choosing one-way or two-way synchronization. One-way synchronization syncs the files in one direction only—for example, from your media library on your PC to your MP3 player. Two-way synchronization syncs the device and the computer both ways, so both systems have the same files.

Mp3 Player Usb Devices Driver Win 7

  1. Click Set Up Sync from the device’s Device Stage window.
  2. Click Settings for the item you want to change.
  3. Click to save as much music as you have room for.
  4. Click to specify the folders, songs, or playlists you want to sync to your device.
  5. Click to add specific folders to the sync.
  6. Click to choose a playlist or songs.
  7. Click OK to save the settings.